Haha,today be friend with them,is the 3 days,i am very happy.........................,today play softball untill very letih,ah~~~~~but i wish i can be i softball player,yeah yeah

i wish i can forever be friends with them
Today i want to be friend back with Ci En they all,but donno why suddenly donno already,i heard them talking but not with me,i feel hurt,because they all like think me like air like that,so good mood turn to bad mood,again,i walk myself,i don want to follow them,so i go and find Dashini K,i find but cannot find her,ah~long story don want to say, just take a short cut,i go back home,i donno why suddenly want to be friend back with them,so i call Jia Yi and Ci En tell them i am sorry for not talking to them, so good they forgive me,Ci En donno me and Jia Yi become back friend already,me and Jia Yi say wnt to put on i show for her to see,so we bakat, haha,wish faster Monday,don want softball want to die!!
Today is a worse day,why ,because my friend, Jia Yi she tell me her house in chong kit,and then the next day she say is another places,i was very angry, she don talk to me i also don talk to her,then in every minit who also i no speak with,only speak to Kit Yin and Darshini K only,where i can see them,i will walk away,In moral class,Ci En ask me to be friend with Jia Yi again,.but still don want.In English lesson, the whole class was very noise, i ask the noising girl,Darshini M,too shut up, but she scold me back,Now i am in a bad bad bad mood,after the lesson ends, Jia Yi keep calling my name,i was in a very bad mood, so i scold her and walk away.So after school i stay back(because got koko)there was i singing contest so i go there and watch .i met Tze Ying ,Pui Yee and Jia Ling,there all are very nice,Jia Ling free me eat a choki choki ,and then we watch and eat choki choki,we are very happy at there,and then after we go and buy some ice-cream,and then wwe share,so my bad mood become good mood already,but i donno why still donno want to talk to Jia Yi.See tomorow how, i wish tomorrow i will be good mood every  minit.Wish this thing don happen again.

Yesterday,forgot to write............,yesterday i go latih softball,i hit a girl nose,and the nose got blood,i feel very.............donno how to say,but yesterday also a happy day lah,i find my softball shoe,and then i won be scold again,yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today take report card, very sad,because teacher simply say thing,say i always buat muka and then say i no buat kerja and say i buat kerja lain,simply say , and then today go tution i can write i karangan myself ,wow,i am very happy,today is a worse and happy day!!
Walao,today play softball until very letih,the ball head shot me 2 times,and then the xue jie say my skin become black already, 55..........,why like that want..........hand pain,leg pain >#< ,everywhere pain.......,2morrow is the report card day,o my god,donno the teacher will say wat 2 my mother,and today have an english test,the test is when u are good u can go other class to study.

I wish i can study  same class with my friends.................>______________<

and Flora

wish u all can do it,and the last  SHANNON!!!!!!!!!!!! do your best best best,yo >3<

long time no write thing sooooo sad,now can write sooo  happy,today i sleep in the bas, walao the bas want to go already i still sleeping,luckly lee li wake me up, if not i no need to go home lol
yeah yeah,sooo long no open blog no can write things already,thanks to Mun Teng for helping me,today so happy because i got my computer back,yahoo,i wish my computer won spoilt again!!