Today very angry lol,give Puan S**** scold Me,Ci En,Kian Lin,Jia Yi and Weng Yu we play beat hair give Puan S**** see she,she just very.....don know how to say,she only give Ci En ,Jia Yi and Weng Yu borang SSDM,she didn't give me and Kian Lin,i tell the teacher me and Kian Lin also got play,but she keep saying only them and say us kurang ajar,me and Kian Lin become very pek cik,so the next time u meet a teacher like this,just don jujur after she say u kurang ajar,]

The first was in the morning,now is at the noon,in the bus,i give a boy my sit,i ask him to go inside and let me sit outside,when we change place that time, a fat boy put his bag on my place,this mean he don't let me sit,i scolded him,he also scold me,than the bus was full of bad word,the fat boy like babi like that scold scold scold,me,Ci En,Lee Li and Kian Lin scold them back,they all copy us,we scolded them,but it also good lah,i can forget teacher scold me,and then i can scold people back,but now i don have any sound because i scold until very very loud,so no sound

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